
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Laughing Group

I would love to start a laughing group. I am not sure how to go about it and to have it work, but it is suppose to be so healthy for us. For example to day, we had Ron and Sue Holman for lunch. I looked at Cliff and said that he had a raised bra....I meant to say brow....but it came out bra.....we laughed hard about that. Cliff said head knees and toes and bra....we laughed harder.

True somethings you have to be there to appreciate the humor.

We are now going to exercise our laughter muscles. It's easy and it's fun!

We will practice and repeat three different types of exercise and progressively add a lot of childlike playfulness into it. First we will clap, then we will take a deep breath, then we will laugh.

(Demonstrate the following)

* The clapping is hands on hands with full contact. Swing your hands left and right as you clap and chant "ho ho ha ha ha". Let's try this all together now (do it 2 or 3 times). Very good! Remember: whenever you hear me clap please clap with me. It means it is time to move on.

* The breathing is easy: breathe in and smile as you lift your arms up, breathe out as you relax. Let's try this all together now (do it 2 or 3 times). Very good!

* Last we are going to laugh. This of course is the best part, and before we do it please keep the following 5 important things in mind:

No New Pain
Respect your body. Nothing should be painful nor even less uncomfortable. In doubt don’t do it or ask your physician.

Maintain Eye Contact
This is very important. It helps keep your mind into the “here now”. Also, laughter is visually very contagious.

Please Refrain From Talking
No jokes please. Talking / joking sabotages your own laughter potential. Let it flow freely.

Fake Is Fine
Whether you genuinely laugh or not makes little difference. Either way you will breathe a lot and benefit from the exercise.

Act happy and energetic!
A joyful spirit is noisy! Move around. Smile. Interact with others. Act happy and energetic and let us hear it! Acting this way will make you feel just like it.

Ready? Go!

How To Start And End A Laughter Session
How To End A Laughter Session

There is no right and no wrong way of doing this. When and where you meet as well as how much time you have define what you can do. Experiment! The following works well after 30 min. of laughter:

Floor Laughter Exercises: 10-15 minutes
If you can, we urge you to do it. This is the best part of any laughter session because this is when the most people usually choose to “let go” and truly laugh. Sit down first for one or two more laughters, then (if space allows) lay on your back and laugh some more.

Grounding Technique: 1-2 minutes
This is especially useful when you laugh in the evening. Laughter exercises will both relax and energize you. They can sometimes be too much for some people who might then experience difficulties in getting to sleep. The most efficient grounding technique we use is the humming bee breath. It can be done in any position (laying, sitting, standing.)

Group Prayer For Peace
Invite all to lift their right arm up, palm facing up, and touch the floor with their left hand. They are now connecting the heavens and the earth. Bring in harmony, healing, love, peace, strength, wisdom through your right hand, and send it out to the Earth through the left, and through the Earth to anybody anywhere where we feel it is most required.

Positive Affirmations
Each participant affirms with conviction one (or more!) positive, empowering statements, for example "We are amazing!" - and then all shout together a loud "YES!" as they thrust their arms in the air.

Feedback / Q&A / Announcements
This is a good time to invite participants to share their experience or anything they'd like to share, ask questions or make an announcement.

Appreciation Moment
This is the very last thing we do. Everybody stands up and comes closer to you. Invite all to thank whoever they want, however they want, for being here. Give the good example yourself and thank someone (shake hands or hug.)

How To Start And End A Laughter Session
Important Reminders

Laughter Yoga is a very unique form of simulated laughter exercises that is simple, good for you and a lot of fun! Here is how you can get the most out of it:

Understand The Key Concept
This is not entertainment, it is exercise. Do not try to make others laugh by telling jokes. Fake laughter is fine. Inspire all to laugh with others, not at them. Jokes effectively sabotage your own and others’ laughter by putting a cage around it: Words have to be understood and as such force you back from your body / creative mind into your head / rational mind.

Follow And Repeat This Sequence
Getting any group to fake laughter is easy. Getting a large number of participants in any group to genuinely connect with free flow laughter within 30 minutes anytime anywhere is an art. You can do it too (practice makes perfect.) The following is a reference structure that works very well and will help you build momentum. How fast / slow, physical / gentle, sitting or standing is up to you. Whatever feels best.

* Clap. Clapping improves your blood circulation, creates a nice dynamic in a laughter session and most importantly allows the instructor to keep control of the group by indicating without having to shout that it is time to move on to a different exercise. Look for the red pages in this book for ideas on how to clap in a laughter session.

* Deep-Breathe. Breathing brings in an element of relaxation in a laughter session. Everybody knows laughter is good for you. Few know that laughter is also a very powerful form of cardio-vascular exercise. Look for the green pages in this book for ideas on how to deep-breathe in a laughter session.

* Laugh. This is of course the fun part. Look for the orange pages in this book for ideas on how to simulate laughter in a laughter session.

Maintain discipline
We mean this is a friendly and loving way (never address one person in particular. Always talk to the group in general.) Nobody is allowed to talk in a laughter session except for the instructor. No jokes please! Also remind people to keep eye contact and interacting one with another.

Act happy and energetic
The spirit of joy is noisy! Fake it if you have to. Act happy and energetic yourself before you ask others to do the same. This is especially important for the class instructor as he/she sets the tone. People mirror what they see more that what they hear.

American School Of Laughter Yoga: the most comprehensive online resource on Laughter Yoga, Laughing Yoga, Laughter Club, Laughter Clubs, telephone laughter

DURATION 20 - 30 minutes (maximum). Each bout of laughter should last for 30-40 seconds, followed by clapping and “ho ho ha ha ha” exercise. Take two deep breaths after every laughter exercise.

* STEP 1:
Clapping in a rhythm 1-2, 1-2-3 along with chanting of “Ho-Ho-Ha-Ha-Ha”
* STEP 2:
Deep Breathing with inhalation through the nose and prolonged exhalation. (3 times)
* STEP 3:
Shoulder, neck and stretching exercises (5 times each)
* STEP 4:
Hearty Laughter: Laughter by raising both the arms in the sky with the head tilted a little backwards. Feel as if laughter is coming right from your heart.
* STEP 5:
Greeting Laughter: Joining both the hands and greeting in Indian style (Namaste) or shaking hands (Western Style) with at least 4-5 people in the group.
* STEP 6:
Appreciation Laughter: Join your pointing finger with the thumb to make a small circle while making gestures as if you are appreciating your group members and laughing simultaneously.
* STEP 7:
One Meter Laughter: Move one hand over the stretched arm of the other side and extend the shoulder (like stretching to shoot with a bow and arrow). The hand is moved in three jerks by chanting Ae...., Ae....., Aeee..... and then participants burst into laughter by stretching both the arms and throwing their heads a little backwards and laughing from the belly. (Repeat 4 times).
Milk Shake Laughter (a variation): Hold and mix two imaginary glasses of milk or coffee and at the instruction of the leader pour the milk from one glass into the other by chanting Aeee...., and then pour it back into the first glass by chanting Aeee..., after that everyone laughs making a gesture as if they are drinking milk. (Repeat 4 times).
* STEP 8:
Silent Laughter (without sound): Open your mouth wide and laugh without making any sound and look into each others' eyes and make some funny gestures.
* STEP 9:
Humming Laughter (with mouth closed): Laughter with closed mouth and a humming sound. While humming keep on moving in the group and shaking hands with different people.
* STEP 10:
Swinging Laughter: Stand in a circle and move towards the center by chanting Aee....Ooo....Eee...Uuu...
* STEP 11:
Lion Laughter: Extend the tongue fully with eyes wide open and hands stretched out like the claws of a lion and laugh from the tummy
* STEP 12:
Cell Phone Laughter: Hold an imaginary mobile phone and try to laugh, making different gestures and moving around in the group to meet different people.
* STEP 13A:
Argument Laughter: Laugh by pointing fingers at different group members as if arguing.
* STEP 13B:
Forgiveness / Apology Laughter: Immediately after argument Laughter catch both your ear lobes and laugh while shaking your head (Indian style) or raise both your palms and laugh as if saying sorry.
* STEP 14:
Gradient Laughter: Gradient laughter starts with bringing a smile on the face, slowly gentle giggles are added and the intensity of laughter is increased further. Then the members gradually burst into hearty laughter and slowly and gradually bring the laughter down and stop.
* STEP 15:
Heart to Heart Laughter (Intimacy Laughter): Come closer and hold each others hands and laugh. One can shake hands or hug each other, whatever feels comfortable.

CLOSING TECHNIQUE: Shouting 3 Slogans:
''We are the happiest people in this World'' Y..........E........S
"We are the healthiest people in this World" Y..........E........S
"We are Laughter Club members» Y..........E........S

In the end all the members should stand with their eyes closed for one minute with their arms spread upwards, hoping for world peace.

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